Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) — ASHRAE® Central Florida Chapter

Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC)

The purpose of the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) is to provide our Chapter members a connection to the technical and research advancements achieved by ASHRAE at a Society level.  For many members, much of our technical information comes from sources such as our yearly Handbooks and the monthly ASHRAE Journal publication.  However, much of the information contained in these sources is begun years prior as part of ASHRAE research projects and technical committees.  Our committee can help our local members become more involved in these aspects of Society.

We strongly encourage our local members to become involved in the various technical and standards committees that help bring the latest advancements in our industry to the forefront of our Society.  Click the link below to join a technical committee:


Another function of the CTTC is selecting and booking the year’s technical speakers at our monthly Chapter meetings.  This is sometimes referred to ‘Programs’ or ‘Programs Chair’.  If you have a specific request for a speaker or topic, please feel free to contact the CTTC/Programs Chair.  Depending on the current speaker schedule, requests may not be added to the schedule until the following year.


The Refrigeration Chair and Committee are also subcommittees of the CTTC.  This committee works on highlighting new advancements in the arts and sciences of refrigeration.  Typically, this committee will organize at least one tour of a refrigeration related facility in our Chapter area.  If you have recently completed a design of such a facility, or are a facility administrator of one, please feel free to contact our Refrigeration Chair to include your facility in our tour schedule.


Contact Information:

·         Kyle Inge, CTT  & Programs Chair


·         John Lundy, Refrigeration Chair
